About N.W. Harris


Born at the end of the Vietnam war and raised on a horse farm near small town north Georgia, N.W. Harris’s imagination evolved under the swaying pines surrounding his family’s log home. On summer days that were too hot, winter days that were too cold, and every night into the wee morning hours, he read books.

N.W. Harris published his first novel—Joshua’s Tree—in 2013. It was no wonder that with his wild imagination and passion for all things word related, that N.W. Harris was named a quarterfinalist in Amazon’s Break Through Novel Award Contest. In early 2014, N.W. Harris joined the ranks with Clean Teen Publishing when they signed his new young adult apocalyptic adventure series—The Last Orphans.

In addition to writing, N.W. Harris has been a submarine sailor, nurse, and business owner. His studies have included biology, anthropology, and medicine at UCSB and SUNY Buffalo. He is an active member of SCBWI and lives in sunny southern California with his beautiful wife and two perfect children. He writes like he reads, constantly.

69 Responses to About N.W. Harris

  1. sabina khan says:

    Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading yours.

  2. godschick says:

    Sounds like me. I read constantly. I love your top paragraph about growing up in North Georgia. I already wanted to keep reading. Thank you for dropping by my blog and reading. Blessings to you and look forward to reading more from you.

  3. Allan G. Smorra says:

    Thank you for following my blog.

  4. Beverly says:

    Hi, nw. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you liked it. Your picture above is beautiful. I have family that live in San Diego.

  5. Thanks for the likes and follow. Hope you enjoy! 🙂

  6. Nice to meet you! I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts. Out of curiosity what years did you spend at UCSB? I attended from 2003-2005, and I loved it there! Cheers!

  7. Thanks for following me! 🙂

  8. Bonnie says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog..and the follow. We have UCSB in common…and of course reading! Although my Gaucho days came a bit before yours…by just a bit! 🙂 it’s been years since the last time I was there.

  9. emilyramos says:

    Thank you for following my blog! I look forward to reading yours!

  10. amb says:

    Hi Neil! Thanks so much for the follow. Looking forward to exploring your blog as well!

  11. Ellespeth says:

    Thanks for passing by my blog, Neil. Until next time,

  12. I want to be under the swaying pines too! however am stuck with next doors’ sturdily swaying beech that threatens to overtake my garden but I love watching the seasons’ change through it. thanks for visiting and following I am happy to follow too! best wishes Geraldine 🙂

  13. melissataggart87 says:

    thanks for liking my work

  14. John says:

    Thank you for following my site!

  15. L. Marie says:

    Great to meet you! Glad to discover your blog. My goodness, you have a wide range of interests! That’s so cool!

  16. gregg says:

    thanks for stopping by – hope you stick around. I’ll check your site out 🙂

  17. Thanks for becoming a subscriber. Now I’ll take a stroll through your blog.

  18. TamrahJo says:

    I’ve nominated you for the Epic Awesomeness Award

    Epic Awesomeness

    with the following:
    While I really like the pictures here, you actually get some author/marketing advice to boot! What a bargain!

  19. lexborgia says:

    NW, thanks for stopping by; much appreciated. Cheers.

  20. Glynis says:

    Hey! I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Congrats!
    Check it out !

    The Liebster Blog Award

  21. annetbell says:

    Thanks so much for liking my post “California Dreaming” with a Young Indian Filmmaker, Chandresh Bhatt. I am wondering if you could re-blog the post so that your California/writer followers can see and read it? Know this is bold, but we would really appreciate your help.
    Namaste. . . .Anne And thanks for following MY blog! I am going to enjoy yours!

  22. Glynis says:

    Thank you for following my blog and adding comments. It means so much. I have nominated you for another award. This one is for family. Although you might not post this, I still wanted to give it to you.

    I’m Part of The Family!

  23. Jane Risdon says:

    Thanks so much for popping over to read my Flash Fiction piece, ‘Summer of Love,’ – not my usual offering and I write crime and mystery novels usually but now and again dip my toes into other genres for the hell of it. I enjoy Flash Fiction and the discipline of it and short stories too….I shall have a good wander around your blog now I have found you and hope we get to chat here soon. Good luck with everything and thanks again for your interest. Appreciated.

  24. Pagadan says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed my flash fiction story, Mooving Out. Btw, a related story is Moovin’ Up. (I enjoy playing with genetic engineering.)

  25. rbdavis5 says:

    pleasure to meet you. (My first published piece is out, and if you ever need someone to interview.. :D)

  26. phaerygurl says:

    Thanks for liking my post! How’d you wander over yo my neck of the woods? Oh, and a side note, I’m from Buffalo:)

  27. Cindi says:

    Thanks for visiting and following my little blog. I like your writing style, and look forward to exploring more!

  28. amariesilver says:

    Thanks for following my blog. I look forward to reading yours!

  29. Hari Qhuang says:

    “He writes like he reads, constantly.”
    Now that is a very cool line! 😀

  30. tomwisk says:

    Thanks for the visit. Will follow.

  31. Thank you for your interest in our blog. I’ve just read the synopsis of Joshua’s Tree and it sounds awesome! Good luck with it. I have visited California a couple of times and you are very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world.

  32. morgenbailey says:

    Thank you for being such a regular visitor to my blog. I look forward to hosting you in some capacity. http://morgenbailey.wordpress.com/submission-information/opportunities-on-this-blog

  33. 5readsblog says:

    Thanks for the follow! If you’d consider participating in 5reads, I’d love to have you. Yours looks like a particularly interesting life, and I’m always looking for contributors.

  34. janna hill says:

    Hey Neil it’s nice to meet you. Here’s wishing you and Joshua’s Tree much success.

  35. annetbell says:

    I have nominated you for the WordPress Family Award. Congratulation to you for your fine blogs as well as your warm and generous spirits. Please refer to this page on my blog for the details of the award.

    Word Press Family Awards

    Happy blogging! Namaste……Anne

  36. Thanks for dropping in at my blog, Neil. What could we possibly have in common? Well, I envy you growing up on a horse farm and horses are now an important part of my life. It’s always nice to meet a fellow scribe with equus in the blood.

  37. Laura says:

    Thanks for following my blog Thoughts and Sundry Things. Cheers to good reading and good writing! Also, I loved anthropology in school. Wish I could have taken more courses.

  38. I appreciate you stopping by my new blog. Congratulations on your book making #1 on the Goodreads Summer Reading list! I’m currently working on my novel. Fun note: I grew up in upstate NY, and now live in the San Diego area. We’re neighbors twice over! I’m going to go take a look at your book now. 🙂

  39. mdog32 says:

    Thanks for the follow!! Looking forward to reading more about you! ~ Gina

  40. Even your bio’s written beautifully…lol. So nice to meet a southern neighbor~as we live in Western North Carolina, although we see you’ve moved. We look forward to grabbing our copy of JOSHUAS TREE ~ and wish you much success!!!

  41. Paul J. Stam says:

    Thanks for your many “likes” on my posts on writingiam.wordpress.com. I can’t say that I read constantly or write constantly. One has to give way to the other, but… Thanks again. Every “like” is an encouragement. – Aloha – pjs.

  42. Thank you so much for dropping by wePoets. We really appreciate it. We be happy to showcase your book. 🙂

  43. papermashed says:

    Thank you for following my blog and liking so many of my poetry. Very encouraging and inspiring. And also, thank you for grabbing a copy of my novel when you had the chance. Will grab a copy of ‘Joshua’s Tree’ soon and start reading.
    Love your blog!

  44. Thanks for stopping by! Enjoyed looking through your posts, you are very talented. Keep on writing! Karen

  45. MRS N, the Author says:

    Thank you so much for following my blog Princess of the Light and I really like your blog! Good luck with your latest book and blessings to you! 🙂

  46. Penny L Howe says:

    I like your bio. You’re a man of many parts! Especially enjoyed the words … “he writes like he reads, constantly” (sums things up nicely)! Your book sounds fascinating, I look forward to reading it! Thank you for stopping by “my place”! 🙂

  47. treyzguy says:

    Thank you for being a constant presence on my blog. I appreciate the fact that you take time to even consider my posts. I know most of my stuff is goofy, but bear with me and I might post something worthwhile LOL!
    I intend on reading Joshua’s Tree…it looks like a story I will love

  48. MRS N, the Author says:

    I have nominated you for The Dragon’s Loyalty Award and 2013 Blog of the Year Award! Thank you for your unending support and you can read about it here: http://princessofthelight.wordpress.com/2013/12/04/the-hills-are-alive-with-the-sound-of/

  49. gregg says:

    Good to see drop by again – hows the read for you ? ( apart from the spelling,grammar,punctuation!!)

  50. Rod Eslinger says:

    Very nice to see you on-line Neil…keep up the good literary work!

  51. Pingback: The Last Orphans (The Last Orphans #1) by N.W. Harris | Tranquil Dreams

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